Writing on the Run™

The Natural Way to Write Any Time, Any Place

The Writer’s Digest magazine named Writing on the Run
as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers.


                                                                                                                                                  Life is Your Page

Allen and Linda Anderson


 Allen and Linda Anderson's
article "Writing on the Run:
Finding Time to Write"
was featured in
2006 Writer's Market.

Sampling of Allen and Linda Anderson's International Media






Writing on the Run Quiz

____  Do you want to write but don't have the time to fit one more thing into your busy life?

____  Are your home and family responsibilities keeping you from finding time for having a creative outlet, such as writing?

____  Do you have a job that requires a lot of attention and long hours, leaving you drained and only wanting to vegetate when you have time off?

____  Are you feeling guilty about spending time and taking up space for writing when your family, job, friends, health, etc., etc., etc. SHOULD be coming first?

____  Are school assignments and have-to-writing on the job destroying your love of writing?

____  Do you believe that writing is a waste of time unless you're being published or getting paid for it?

____  Are you getting lack of support, or even, hostility from others whenever you make attempts to carve out time and space for your writing?

____  Are you in an environment where others don't realize how important writing is to your peace of mind and need for self-expression?

____  Has a teacher or someone in authority told you that you don't have writing talent and need to find yourself a "real" job?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, are you ever going to love Writing on the Run!

If you're like us, you have to write through a busy schedule, a full household, and loads of self-doubt.

When our children were young, Allen worked the "graveyard" shift as a police officer. Linda had the demanding responsibility of being the literary manager for a regional theater. In addition to chauffeuring our children and pets to appointments and trying to have quality family time, we wrote in the early morning and late evening hours.

In 1996, we formed ourselves into a writing team and began to write, publish, and promote our first Website, printed newsletter, book proposal, and book. To work as a team, we had to become even more proficient at Writing on the Run. (See About Allen & Linda Anderson and About Our Books for a couple pages of shameless self-promotion. Visit our Bookstore to purchase our autographed books. Our other websites are located at www.angelanimals.net, www.rescuedsavinganimals.net, www.allenandlindaanderson.comand www.angelanimals.net.)

We are eager to show published, prospective, and hobby writers how to creatively find time and space for writing their way through:


      Family obligations,

     Employment responsibilities,

     Sickness and health challenges,

     Lean financial times,

     Less than ideal circumstances.





Why bother?

Because writing is how many of us understand and complete the experiences of our lives.

Because studies have proven that writing is an antidote to DEPRESSION; people who write about their painful life experiences recover from them more easily and quickly.

Because writing is a lifeline of communication to people all over the world.

Because writing can provide additional, even full-time, INCOME.

Because writing is a FUN and enjoyable way to express your thoughts, feelings, and insights - even if it's only to yourself.

Most of all, KEEP WRITING in 2012.

Allen and Linda Anderson




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Writing on the Run, P.O. Box 16682, Minnneapolis, Minnesota 55416
Writing on the Run™ Copyright © 2002-2013. All rights reserved.
No part may be used without permission. Writing on the Run™ is a trademark term
and cannot be used without permission.